Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Y'all need to know that if you want to go against God the Fathers' wishes do it before you get baptized not after, and My name is Casey Lee Anderson I was born on April 24, 1991 at 8:13pm at 1199 Prince Ave, Athens, Game 30606 USA, and here is my baptismal testimony below that I said to my church a week after I got baptized:

Baptismal Testimony Worksheet
I. What my life was like before I accepted Christ
I was selfish, foolish, uncontent, and felt like the world owed me because of all the bad things that happened in my life such as being called names, teased, made fun of and other things in that category.

II. How I came to realize my need for God’s forgiveness
I came to realize my need for gods forgiveness in order to get into heaven and thanks to the TV show Colby’s clubhouse helped see that I needed god’s forgiveness, I first saw Colby’s Clubhouse when I was 15 yrs. old but god/Jesus was more like an acquaintance when I was 15 yrs. old.

III. When, where and how I accepted Christ as my savior
I came to accept Christ as my savior in nov. 2012 at Crawford Baptist Church, and I prayed that Jesus would come into my heart and that I accepted him as my savior and would be my forever friend.

IV. What my life is like now that I have accepted Christ
Once I accepted Christ as my savior, I felt more peaceful and more content with how my life turned out.  And I felt that I had to go through all of those bad things in order to understand how other felt about being teased, made fun of and anything things in that category of bad things. And also once I accept Christ as my savior I noticed that the air smelled different and was more at peace with myself and with the world and became unselfish. And that’s when I realized that I wanted to show God’s love to others not like being a pastor, but something similar like using the TV show of how I learned about god’s love to show kids of the younger generation that god loves them very much and “god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16. The verse that I quoted is only one of the verses that I learned from the Colby’s Clubhouse Christian kids tv show. And Colby’s clubhouse’s audience was targeted to 6-12 yrs. old. And I was 15 yrs old when I first saw the show. I might would have been made fun of for watching a kids show but I didn’t care or at least I tried not care what others think. God/Jesus Christ was more like an acquaintance back when I was 15 yrs. old, now he is my forever lifelong everlasting friend. The other verses of the bible that I learn from the show was these verses:
Romans 8:28: All things work together for good to those that love him and are called according to his purpose
Proverbs 3: 5-6: Trust in the lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways, acknowledge him and he shall direct your paths.
Psalm 28:7: The lord is my strength and my shield, my heart trusts in him and I am helped, therefore my heart rejoices and with my song I will praise him
And each of these verses above was made into a song in the Colby’s Clubhouse TV show.
The show taught me a lot about the bible and how we can use it in our everyday lives and the show even talks about life’s difficulties, like gossiping trying to fit in with the popular crowd, divorce and stuff like that and gossiping is wrong by the way. I’m thankful that the lord led me to find out about Colby’s Clubhouse or else I don’t know where I’d be without the lord or without colby's clubhouse leading me to the lord., I’d probably be in jail or worse.

And my life after my baptism changed for the better, I learned things that god puts us through trials and tests to see how strong our resolve is, the resolve definition I'm talking about is this definition: firm determination to do something. I know certain things are hard to overcome but not impossible, they are always possible with the Lord and Saviour Jesus Chirists' help, I know because in was extremely close to making a decision that I would've regretted if I have gone through with my decision that would've led me astray from God, and Miley Ray Cyrus, I'm quite ashamed and disappointed in you with where you ended up doing drugs and drinking and all of that twerking crap, yes I know its your life but you have to live the way it was intended by god or how god intended your life to be, since you were baptized if you wanted to twerk or doing anything illegal you should've done before you became famous, or before you were baptized not after you were baptized, it'll be very hard to get back in the right relationship with the lord and billy ray Cyrus and leticis finley-cyrus, I'm disappointed and ashamed in y'all to because you allowed you daughter Miley to fall into the devil's hands and if I ever met you in a person in will give this speech again in person but yelling it in y'alls face to get through your stubborness and hard headedness, I try to live my life right and yes I do still make mistakes well at least my mistakes won't cost me life and I don't have any regrets except 1 but that one regret is so personal and controversial which means I can't talk about it and its not anything to do with drugs or drinking or anything of that stuff, because I'm 23 yrs old and I still have my innocence in other words virginity as well as haven't drank alcohol and haven't done drugs what the decision I would've regretted is something that the bible says is wrong in the old testament as wells as in the new testament but before you make guesses mybsexual orientation is heterosexual.